How to Get Rid of that Musty Old People Smell

I think I've made it pretty clear that I like old stuff. It makes me happy. It makes me feel relaxed and content. It makes me want to use words like whippersnapper and hooligan while holding a rolling pin in one hand and a television remote the size of a box of cereal in the other.
The only real problem I've ever had regarding my love of old things is this;  If it is old … it will smell.  As an example, have you ever met an old cheese, old sock or old person that didn't smell?
Several years ago I bought this luggage set.   And when I bought it, it smelled.  Poorly.  Like a musty, musty, must bucket.
I don’t actually keep my luggage on my front hall table, I just thought it was a nice way for you to get a good gander at it.
“Gander” is one of the words I intend to use on more of a regular basis when I get old.
Quite frankly I can’t wait to get so old I can say and do whatever I want without anyone looking at me like I’m a lunatic. When you’re young and you declare in an exceptionally loud voice that you think the person in front of you in line at the grocery store is a “whack job” you come off as judgemental and mean. When you’re old and you do the same thing, you’re just “a lively old gal”.
In order to get rid of the musty luggage stink I used my old standby. Kitty Litter.
Just open up the offending piece of luggage.
Unless you’re feeling poorly.  In which case you should probably sucker some other poor sod into opening up the stink box.
That lining right in there is what holds most of the stink.
Just pour a box of kitty litter into the offending piece of luggage. Yup. The whole box. Pour it right in there.
See? Fill it up.
Then close up your piece of luggage (or any other thing you own that’s filled with musty smells.
And leave it for a week. You heard me. One week. Just leave it.
When the week is up, just empty the kitty litter and fill your luggage with whatever you choose to. I use my fresh smelling train case as my sewing box and it looks like this!
Cute right?
Only it actually looks like this.
Which isn't nearly as attractive in a photograph. But it’s the truth.
You can use this litter trick with almost anything.  Musty vintage clothing?  Shove it in a plastic bag and cover the piece with kitty  litter.  Tie the bag up and leave it for a week!
The plastic bag technique works great with just about anything that smells old and musty.  Although, I probably wouldn't recommend this exact procedure with old people.
Most of ‘em are feisty.  If you try and cover them in kitty litter and shove them in a plastic bag chances are they’ll knock you right on your keister.
the original sours : click on me

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